We will be doing a private signing with Tom Byron in Mid August. All items need to be in to me by August 15th so they can be mailed to him.

We have various price lists, based on items and if you need a photo to have him sign.

Mail items to:
Tom Byron
C/O Patrick Palmer
114 3rd Ave NE
Hampton, IA 50441

Pricing structure:
Your Photo, Your Return Packaging, Your Postage = $15 Each
Your Poster/Magazine/Baseball, Your Return Packaging, Your Postage = $20 Each
Your Photo, My Return Packaging, My Postage = $25 Each
Your Poster/Magazine/Baseball, My Return Packaging, My Postage = $35 Each
My Picture, My Return Packaging, My Postage = $40 – 2nd/3rd Photos $30 Each
Add An Index Card To Any Order = $10 Each
Index Card ONLY, My Return Packaging, My Postage = $15 Each

At this time, I have 6 photos to choose from and the orders need to be in by August 15th. For more pictures, please contact Tara on our group page and she can help you out for a slight upcharge.