Our 1/26/2025 Jizz Talking Show featured the lovely Ms. Toxic Goddess. When I put out the call, I wanted someone who was not attending AVN, so they would be fresh and not run down from the past weekend. WOW! “Toxic” explained what she does in the “dom” world and also introduced us to her line of skin care products. One of our panel members had some to show off as well. An interesting guest, even if this isn’t your exact area of knowledge and she explained everything pretty well. During the show we also congratulated the newest AVN Hall of Fame Award winners Tyffany Million and Leslie Winston. Leslie and her boyfriend Joey got engaged over the weekend, so we had a lot of congratulations to hand out. Also, Jizz Talking did not with The Favorite Podcast Award at AVN, but we appreciate all who took time to vote. Helping us interview our guest included Darby Dee and Lorenzo.

Links to follow Ms. Toxic Goddess: